RPN DAY – Nurse’s Week

Please Join all members of CUPE 1144

as we celebrate Nurses week with our


on RPN DAY Friday May 12th.

Come and have a COFFEE or TEA and a COOKIE on your break.

We will be in the Cafeteria from 9:00 to 13:00.



Your Executive wants to keep in touch with you outside of the workplace. At our last meet and greet on April 11, we collected email addresses from as many members as possible. We had a draw for one of six gift cards from all the members who stopped by our booth and gave us their email address.

Congratulations to the winners of the draw:

  1. Donna German
  2. Monica Rizzo
  3. Delva Burton
  4. Lindsay Anne Fitzgibbon
  5. Amelia Magpantay
  6. Erold Jerkins Surposa

Stay informed of the changes coming and find out about all of the upcoming fun events we have planned.

Send an email to cupe1144@gmail.com from your personal email so we will have your email contact and we will be able to let you know what is happening with hospital integration and any other important changes.


Members please note that the Seniority lists have been posted on the St. Joes Intranet under Human Resources and then Union Documentation.

Please check these lists for accuracy. As per the collective agreement under article J.01 any errors must be reported right away or it will be considered to be correct.

Get On The BUS

Dear CUPE sisters and brothers,

As mentioned at the bargaining conference, the Ontario government announced an extra 1% funding for hospitals after the October 27 rally for increased funding that we held in Kingston.

The next provincial rally will be held on JUNE 8th, in SUDBURY.

These rallies are making a difference.


Any members from local 1144 who attend the rally will be paid by our local a per diem as was agreed to by the membership last year. RSVP to any steward or executive member or send an email to:



Hamilton Rally

On February 6th over 1000 CUPE members from all over the province came together in Hamilton to make our voices heard to STOP THE CUTS to Healthcare funding. Your local 1144 members met at St. Joe’s and then traveled by Greyhound bus. We listened to speakers, marched, made a lot of noise, and had lunch and enjoyed a beautiful sunny day.

The next rally is June 15th in Sudbury.  Please join us – We CAN make a difference.



Attention all CUPE Local 1144 members, THE RESULTS ARE IN:
Candidates for President

Ann Piper        Jennifer Nedrick-Manning           Peter Martin                David Streit

ap                   jnm                                    pm                     ds

64votes                        21votes                                       88votes                           108votes


Therefore our new President is DAVID STREIT. CONGRATULATIONS DAVID.



Preparing for Bargaining

The members of your Bargaining committee are preparing for bargaining. We attended the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions (OCHU) bargaining convention from November 14th to 17th.

At this conference we reviewed the results of the bargaining survey. We heard from many guest speakers who spoke about the financial state of the Ontario and Federal Governments, the history and how we arrived at the Collective agreements we now have, and the facts regarding the possibility of a change of government in Ontario in June 2018. We also learned about benefit packages, and the similarities and differences between each of the hospitals.

After a great deal of discussion we voted on the priorities that we will take into this round of central bargaining. At this time we cannot disclose what the priorities are publically but we listened to what the members said in the survey and have a plan to bargain to for the items that CUPE members across the province told us were the most important. If you wish to see the bargaining priorities please speak to one of the executive and they will be able to show you the document.

One thing that we can tell you is, OCHU/CUPE voted unanimously for NO CONCESSIONS and NO two tier bargaining. What we bargain for our members with the most seniority is also for our newest members.