Collective agreements
Your collective agreement sets out your rights and responsibilities at work. If you have any questions or concerns about your rights and your obligations under our collective agreement, please talk to your shop steward or a member of the executive.
- Download CUPE Full-Time Service Bargaining Unit
- Download CUPE Part-Time Service Bargaining Unit
- Download CUPE Full-Time Clerical Bargaining Unit
- Download CUPE Part-Time Clerical Bargaining Unit
This is the benefit book for the group insurance plan for CUPE Service and Clerical employees. Our insurance carrier is Desjardins.
This extended health and dental coverage is mandatory for permanent and temporary full-time workers and is optional for permanent and temporary part-time workers.
Claim forms for Dental and for Extended Health can be printed from here.
There are some additional discounts that St. Joe’s employees can take advantage of if they choose to do so. The links are here for you to browse.
- Home and Auto Insurance through The Personal Insurance Company
- Canadian Automobile Association road protection and travel insurance. CAA membership and CAA pricing
- Discounts on Entertainment, Shopping, Hotels and Travel through Perkopolis
- Discounts on soft-moc merchandise
- Discounts on many of your favourite stores and restaurants through squadpass
At St. Joe’s the pension plan we have started January 1, 1995 that was originally started by the Sister’s of St. Joseph. Most hospitals in Ontario are part of HOOPP (Hospitals of Ontario Pension Plan). There are talks underway currently for our pension plan to join with the HOOPP pension plan. We will post here when we have more information.
Here is a link to the pension-booklet.
If you are part-time you are eligible to join the pension plan after 1 year of service. Here is the Part-time pension form that you need to fill in and return by email to Heather King, Benefits and Pension co-ordinator at human resources.
Grievance Process
When you have a complaint start by speaking to your Manager. If you are unsure whether there is a violation of the collective agreement, speak to your shop steward or one of the Union executive. Many issues can be resolved at this stage. Complaints cannot become grievances unless there is a violation of the collective agreement.
If you are called into a meeting by your manager and it is of a disciplinary nature you have a right to have representation of a shop steward of your choice. The job of the shop steward is to listen to the facts of the situation and to take notes at the meeting. This ensures that what was said in the meeting is recorded accurately.
When there is a violation of the collective agreement, a grievance form is filled out. This is usually done by the Chief Steward or a member of the Executive. The member will be asked to sign the grievance and the Union representative will explain to the member what sections of the collective agreement have been violated and what the member is requesting in the way of resolving the situation.
The Hospital has 9 days to reply to the Grievance. If the reply is not satisfactory to the Union then it is moved on to the Step 2 of the grievance process. The Hospital has another 9 days to reply to the Grievance at this point. If there is still no resolution the union can request the grievance to be sent to mediation or even to arbitration at which time a neutral third party that is agreed to by both sides either mediates to come to a settlement or in the case of arbitration makes a ruling that both parties must adhere to.
Redeployment Process
The collective agreement has language regarding layoffs, the amount of notice that must be given and how a redeployment committee is established.
Some facts that you should be aware of:
- The employer must give the union and the affected employee(s) 5 months written notice, of any proposed layoff or the elimination of any position.
- If the employee is offered a reassignment it must be at the same rate of pay and the same number of hours of work. It should be at the same location, and on the same or substantially similar shift or shift rotation.
- Within 2 weeks after the notice is given a Redeployment committee will be established which consists of equal numbers of representatives of the Health Centre and the Union.
- The Redeployment Committee mandate includes: propose possible alternatives to the layoff; identify vacant positions in the bargaining unit, in another CUPE bargaining unit or those that are not covered by a collective agreement; identify retraining needs of the affected workers;
For detailed information see article 9.08 in your collective agreement.
Attendance Management Program
Attendance Support Program
The Health Centre’s Attendance Support Program has established and communicated attendance benchmarks. An employee will be included in the Attendance Support Program when he/she meets or exceeds a sick absenteeism level of 5 shifts* or 4 incidents* in a 6 month period. The 6 month periods run from April 1 to Sept 30 and October 1 to March 31 each year. The attendance benchmark is based on the Ontario Hospital Association’s Absence Survey weighted average, and is reviewed annually. The Attendance Support Program is a 5 step system that brings absenteeism to the attention of the employee. During the first two steps, the union is not notified however the employee has the right to request a union rep to attend with them. At the third, fourth and fifth steps the Union is notified and a Union representative will attend these meetings.
Job postings
All job postings are posted on the SJnet staff portal. Internal job opportunities are posted for a period of seven calendar days. Should you wish to be considered for any of these positions, please submit an electronic transfer request form by clicking on the APPLY FOR TRANSFER button at the bottom of each posting. Please be sure to apply prior to 3:45 p.m. of the application deadline date.
After seven days if the job is not filled, the posting is made open to external candidates. For employees the process is still the same, submit an electronic transfer request form.
This is the Employee Transfer Request Instructions in detail.