July 3 newsletter

CUPE 1144 Newsletter: July 03, 2018


(1) Employer not honouring memorandum of settlement

(2) lunchtime rally on Friday, July 06

(3) your rights when meeting with management

(4) reporting attendance management program

(1) Employer Not Honouring Memorandum of Settlement

The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) reached a memorandum of settlement (MOS) for a renewed collective agreement with St. Joseph’s in April 2018. As per the terms of the MOS, St. Joseph’s was to implement the terms of the agreement in June 2018. Unfortunately, St. Joseph’s has cited the upcoming merger as the reason why they are delaying implementing the MOS. Aside from wage increases and retroactive pay, here are other important gains which the Employer has stated they will not implement until after the merger:

  • Protections against workplace violence
  • Increased supplemental parental leave
  • Workers maintaining seniority rights even when off on disability
  • Ability to address workload issues

Please visit CUPE’s bulletin boards or see email that was sent out last week, to read the exchange we have had with the Employer about their explanation to not honour the MOS.

(2) Lunchtime Rally on Friday, July 06

The Union and the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions/CUPE are hoping management will reconsider their decision. We are holding a lunchtime rally on Friday, July 06 to alert the community and to put pressure on the hospital to re-think their decision.

Join us on your lunch break anytime between 11:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. to let management know they must respect workers and the bargaining process!

(3) Your Rights When Meeting with Management

Management sometimes ask members to meet without the presence of a Union representative. In these cases, Management may state the nature of the meeting is not disciplinary and that a Union representative is unnecessary. Regardless, members are encouraged to ask Management the following questions prior to any meeting with them:

  • Can the nature of this meeting lead to discipline in any way?
  • May I have a representative from CUPE 1144 present at the meeting?

You are encouraged to contact the Union to inform us of the nature of the meeting regardless of whether you believe any discipline may result.

(4) Reporting Attendance Management Program

Have you received a letter indicating that you have been placed on an Attendance Management Program?

If so, the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) would like to hear from you. Please take a moment to fill out this form on http://cupehospitals.ca/surveys and a Union representative will contact you.

Please visit https://www.ochu.on.ca/ for more details.

Ottawa Rally

On October 27, members of 1144 went to Ottawa to join other locals from across the province to ask the government for more money for health care.

the next rally will be rolling in to Durham region (Oshawa) on February 8th we hope you will make the commitment to join us there.


please see the following letter for information regarding the PSLRTA application that was filed

letter to members re PSLRTA

We will continue to update this page as we get more information.

Public Service Labour Relations Transitions Act.

Under this act when there is a merger, like the one we are now experiencing any affected party may make an application to the Labour Board.

The members of LIUNA local 3000 that represent the laboratory staff at St. Mike’s have filed an application requesting a PSLRTA vote.

If you do not know what this means please go to CUPE’s detailed guide to PSLRTA.

This is valuable information for each of you to know the process, and what it means to each of us.

This is your workplace, your union and your vote counts. Please share this guide on your facebook, twitter or email accounts. Spread the word.


Ice Cream Social

Who Doesn’t love Ice Cream? 

We had a successful social event. 260 members came out to the ice cream truck and enjoyed a cone or a slushy. We were able to connect with many members. Keep watching for the next fun event.

Sudbury Rally

thank you to everyone who participated in the Rally in Sudbury. June 8th – What a great day!

1144 our hats looked great, and we had the best turn out. (click on photo for expanded view)

Make FUNDING FOR HEALTHCARE the number one priority in the next provincial election.

Freedom From Harassment and Discrimination

Did you know that under the Occupational Health and Safety Act every employer must have a Policy regarding Freedom from Harassment and Discrimination?

The policy for St. Joe’s can be found at the following link.

freedom_from_discrimination and Harassment

All staff must adhere to this policy including doctors, nurses, CEO, directors, managers, union employees, non-union employees, full-time, part-time, contract workers, temporary workers, in other words EVERYONE.

If you feel that you have been or are being harassed please contact your Union Steward, or the union office by phone at 416 530 6692, or send us an email from your home email address to  cupe1144@gmail.com

We want to STOP any harassment, but we can’t put a stop to it unless it is reported.